How it All Began...

My name is Tewabetch Asebe Negatu and I am a first generation Ethiopian-American. My parents' story is no different from that of most immigrant families. They left the only home they knew and traveled thousands of miles to a land that they recognized as a land of opportunity. My intellect, my determination, and my academic success are all a direct result of the sacrifices they made for me. I am who I am because of their courage 40 plus years ago. 

My first trip to Ethiopia at the age of 10 was eye-opening. I saw my own reflection in every person I met, which made it extremely difficult for me to comprehend why their lives were so different from mine in America. Had my parents chose to stay in Ethiopia, the story of my life would have been completely different - of that I am sure. 

For years I knew I wanted to help, I knew I had to help. Since last leaving Ethiopia in 2000, I knew my existence would somehow intertwine with those less fortunate. It was just a matter of how and when. I continued to brainstorm and engage with other first generation Americans and those around me on what we could do to make an impact. Seeing other parts of the world firsthand had ignited a desire in us to help those in need. 

Fast forward to June 2015.

I founded the Take Action Now nonprofit, I turned 27 and I started to believe in myself like never before. I began to align my actions with what I truly wanted to accomplish in this world and what do you know!

Here I stand.

Thank you so much for visiting this website, for supporting me, and for supporting this organization. This is just the beginning and in the coming years I hope I can continue to count on your support.